Paula Kamps (Colonia, 1990) is a young artist whose research and practice space out from the
paint, to the screen printing and the writings. After studying philosophy at Freie Universität Berlin, gets graduated at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf with Elizabeth Peyton and receives the master with Tomma Abts. His last exhibits: “Topophobophilia”, Gallery 46, London 2016; “When the landscape is listening”, Cappella dell’Incoronazione, Palermo, 2015; “Imagine”, Newcastle Space, Londra, 2015; “Painting of Today”, ArtSpace RheinMain, Offenbach, 2013. Personal exhibits: “My Vain Plane”, Kunsthaus, Mettmann, 2014; “Gone Home”, Lille Carl, Copenhagen, 2012. In 2016 takes part in the residential programme at the LESP workshop of New York. She lives and works in Berlin.

31x41cm, screen printing and watercolor on paper

collage on paper

collage on paper

inkjet printer on transparent paper

inkjet printer on transparent paper

screen printing on paper

watercolor on paper

21×29,7cm, watercolor on paper